Upcoming Foundation & Community Events
Museum Tours
The Kinsale Museum is open to the public every Friday and Saturday, with permanent exhibits focusing on the village’s history and residents.
Yoga Class
The Slips Marina hosts a weekly yoga class open to all, overlooking the river. Ashley from the Blue Honey studio in Irvington leads a one hour class catered to all experience levels. $20 per person.
Wine Tasting
Drop by the Kinsale Market for a wine tasting, held the 3rd Saturday of each month. For $8 you’ll try 5 wines that the Market carries.
Kinsale 4th of July Celebration
Live music, food, drinks and vendors will be at the Slips Marina by the bridge, where the crowd gathers to celebrate the 4th of July and watch fireworks launched at 9:30PM over the Yeocomico River. Hosted by the Yeocomico Club, The Slips, The Kinsale Market, and the Cople Volunteer Fire Department.
47th Annual Kinsale Day
All Kinsale Friends and neighbors from far and near are welcome! Vendors in the park and silent auction from 10 a.m. onward, general meeting of the Kinsale Foundation and neighbors at 11 a.m., followed by delicious food from the firemen and live music, and a Rubber Duckie Derby event with cash prizes.
Christmas in Kinsale
This annual event is geared to help raise money for less fortunate neighbors during the holiday season. Vendors, live music, food, a silent auction, community cookie sale, parade, mule-drawn wagon rides, a trumpet player, tree lighting, and Santa are all part of the day! 10AM - 4PM.

Christmas in Kinsale
Annually on the 1st Saturday of December, this event is geared to help raise money for less fortunate neighbors during the holiday season. Two area food pantries, The Haven Shelter, and Westmoreland Social Services benefit from your kind participation. Vendors, artists, crafters, contact Charlie and Anne Speeckaert at 804-472-9563, kinsale2@va.metrocast.net for a Christmas Bazaar table.
Kinsale Day
46th Annual Kinsale Day Celebration. All Kinsale Friends and neighbors from far and near are welcome! The Northern Neck Land Conservancy and Tidewater Oyster Growers Association will be giving presentations, along with the annual Foundation meeting. Vendors will be set up in the park and there is a silent auction in the Ice Cream Parlor, as well as delicious food from the firemen and live music. The 5th annual Joni Lawler Memorial Rubber Duckie Derby event will be held with cash prizes. For full event details click through!

Kinsale 4th of July Celebration
4th of July Community Fireworks and holiday celebration are back in full force this year! Click here for full events schedule. Hope you can join us for the many activities taking place during the day and night. Email yeocomicoclub@gmail.com with any questions about the event.
Strawberry Festival
Mother’s Day Saturday Strawberry Festival Live music, vendors, sweet treats, kids fun. Ann Lewis needs your commitment (call 804-472-2344) to make Kinsale pound cakes as soon as possible and needs the cakes themselves at her house by Thursday, May 11 or Friday, May 12, PLEASE!!!
Oyster Social at The Slips
Come celebrate all things OYSTERS by the Yeocomico River. TOGA will be demonstrating how to build your own oyster float, Arnest Seafood will be on site selling lunch, beverages of all kinds can be purchased, and there will be oyster floats and spat for sale, too! Oh and live music! So come on down and share in our local oyster culture.

Huron Jewel at The Slips
The Schooner Huron Jewel is returning to The Slips! They first visited us last Fall on their way to the Bahamas, and we’re excited to welcome them back as they make their journey home to Michigan. Owners Hugh and Julie graciously invite all onboard to see this beautiful wooden schooner they built themselves. Free and open to all.
Easter Sunrise Service
Community Easter Sunrise Service at The Great House, a longstanding Kinsale tradition. Pastor Mark Lawrence of Carmel and Coles Point is preaching this year, other area ministers will also be there. All are welcome!

Easter Egg Hunt
Kinsale Friends, bring eggs or candy (no peanuts, but they are once again allowing chocolate… Which they didn’t for awhile because of melting) to Ann Lewis’s house, (74 Yeocomico Lane), from now until Tuesday, April 4, 2023. (Check with Ann Lewis 804-472-2344 to make sure she’s home when you’re hoping to deliver.) Little egg hunters may be at the firehouse from 1 p.m. on for snacks and games prior to the 2 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt.

Ham & Oyster Dinner
Coles Point Fire Substation. 4 p.m.-until SOLD OUT. 5238 Tucker Hill Rd. intersection of Coles Point and Tucker Hill Road. In addition to ham and fried oysters, CDVFD and Auxiliary are providing green beans, scalloped potatoes, a roll and a brownie for $20/person.